Candidate Guide

Landing your dream internship with THE unsolicited application strategy

When searching for internships, full-time, or part-time positions, you have two options: respond to postings or submit unsolicited applications. It's like taking a chance – you might get a yes or a no. But as the saying goes, nothing ventured, nothing gained! Here are some tips on crafting unsolicited internship applications.

Why unsolicited applications?

A crush!

If an organization attracts you with its mission or values, that's a great reason to apply. You might be impressed by what you read on their website, in a press article, or on professional social networks. Perhaps you even had a positive encounter with a team member or founder at an event. Whatever the reason, feel empowered to reach out with an unsolicited application or apply spontaneously!

Highlight your unique profile

You can't find your way through the jungle of job openings? Does your career path have more twists than a roller coaster? It may be difficult for you to apply for highly structured job offers or those that require an old-fashioned application process. In this case, why not apply for a job in your own way by means of an unsolicited application? This possibility can allow you to talk about yourself and your skills in complete freedom, without the constraints of a typical application.

How to submit an unsolicited application?

To contact an organization without responding to a job opening, you can send them a cover letter and resume via email.

How to write an unsolicited application email

To send your resume and cover letter, you can write an accompanying email. You can write this application email by filling out the contact form on the organization's website. Alternatively, you can use the generic contact address on their website and attach your resume and cover letter. As for the recipient of the email, if you have the contact details of someone in-house, that's great! Take the opportunity to write directly to this person.

Key information to mention in the spontaneous application email

The reasons for your contact.

Clearly state why you're reaching out. For example: "Your e-commerce platform promoting eco-responsible fashion has piqued my interest and inspired me to submit a spontaneous application."

The type of work contract you are looking for

Specify the type of position you're seeking, such as an internship.

Some elements about your motivations

To make the recruiter want to continue reading your spontaneous application letter and your resume, give them a little bit about you too.

An example of a motivation email

Hello Mr. XXX,

I was impressed by your impact investment fund, particularly after reading your recent article on financing a hydroelectric power plant.

Like you, I believe in the importance of investing in organizations, such as your fund, that finance projects supporting the ecological transition. Therefore, I am submitting an unsolicited application for a position within your company.

My commercial skills allow me to assist with your client acquisition and partnership development. To learn more about how my skills can benefit your company, please find my attached cover letter for your review.

Sincerely yours,

[First Name] [Last Name]

To write a spontaneous application letter

Highlight your interest in the company's mission

Writing a letter to apply for an internship is not that different from writing a letter to apply for a job. The key difference is focus. Instead of a specific job opening, you connect with the organization's mission. In the impact sector, mission and soft skills often hold more weight than technical skills.

Highlighting your strengths

Your cover letter can also showcase strengths that benefit the company. Consider what the company might need. How can your expertise help them fulfill their mission?

Anticipate the company's needs

Find out more about the company in order to better understand its needs and to have a clear idea of the profiles that could be useful to it. You can also contact the company's reception desk or an HR representative to explain your application process and ask for information on their human resources needs. The information gathered will be useful in adjusting your application.

For writing your resume for a spontaneous application

Just like a regular application, a resume is essential for unsolicited applications! It allows recruiters to learn about your background, including your volunteer work, academic experiences, and any professional experience you may have.

A resume typically includes four to five sections:

  • About You
  • Background (or Education)
  • Professional Experience (if applicable)
  • Skills
  • Interests

For unsolicited applications, consider creating a title like "Unsolicited Application" and adding details about your desired position in the "About You" section. Here's an example:

First-year Master's student in digital eco-design, seeking a 6-month internship starting in May 2023.

To go further

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