Professional retraining guide

The MBTI personality test - Get to know yourself better to be yourself

Ever taken a moment to step back and truly get to know yourself? Self-discovery is a lifelong journey, and sometimes, a little introspection can go a long way. Who are you, really? What defines your character? What's your natural temperament? What values drive you?

Understanding your personality on a deeper level empowers you to express yourself authentically and advocate for your needs, especially in the workplace. This leads to greater personal balance and a deeper sense of fulfillment. The popular 13 MBTI personality test, often used by coaches and career counselors, can be a powerful tool in this journey of self-discovery. So, let's dive in!

What is the MBTI?

MBTI stands for Myers & Briggs Type Indicator. This personality inventory, created by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter in the early 20th century, stemmed from observing the contrasting personalities and approaches of Katharine's daughter and future son-in-law. Katharine's research aimed to understand various temperaments.

Later, when psychologist Carl Jung published "Psychological Types" in 1921, Katharine found parallels with her own typologies, but recognized Jung's theories were more comprehensive. Together with her daughter, they aimed to make this work on psychological functions accessible, birthing the questionnaire.

First published in 1962, the MBTI has undergone regular updates. It's one of the most widely used psychometric tests, employed by psychologists to assess patients and detect potential personality disorders, and by recruiters for professional personality and skill evaluations.


How does the MBTI personality test work?

This 60-question test pinpoints one of 16 psychological personalities. Your result, a four-letter combination, represents one of these profiles. Each letter corresponds to a cognitive function or behavioral preference:

  • [E] or [I] - Extrovert or Introvert: How do you recharge? Surrounded by others (E) or alone (I)?
  • [S] or [N] - Sensation or Intuition: How do you process information? Through physical senses (S) or intuition (N)?
  • [T] or [F] - Thinking or Feeling: How do you make decisions? Logically (T) or emotionally (F)?
  • [J] or [P] - Judging or Perceiving: How do you take action? Planned (J) or adaptable (P)?

Why take a personality test? 

Understand and express your personality

The MBTI is a powerful tool for self-knowledge and self-assertion. It reveals how you function, your strengths, qualities, and areas for growth. During a career transition, the MBTI can help you define your professional goals more clearly.

Understanding others to be happy at work

We all have preferences that influence how we process information, express emotions, communicate, and lead. In diverse teams, these preferences can lead to friction and impact the work environment.

Explore personalities different from your own. You might recognize colleagues' traits and learn how to:

  • Better respond to their emotions
  • Understand their character and personality

Improving your relationships with others leads to greater fulfillment and well-being at work.

Ready to discover your type?

 👉 Take the test here online and free of charge

 ⌛ Duration: 10-15 minutes

 💡 Our advice: Answer spontaneously and authentically :)

The 16 Personalities: Choosing a Job that Impacts the World Based on Your MBTI Profile

Architect / INTJ

Imaginative and strategic, Architects have a plan for everything. Highly rational, they turn challenges into opportunities and see their goals through with unwavering determination.

  • Rational
  • Independent
  • Determined
  • Curious
  • Original
  • Can be perceived as arrogant
  • May struggle to acknowledge emotions (their own and others')
  • Direct in socializing but could benefit from further development.

Examples of careers

Highly intellectual, hardworking, and efficient, Architects thrive on challenges. Here are some potential career paths:

Logician / INTP

Innovative and perpetually curious, Logicians analyze everything, from data to people, in their relentless pursuit of truth.

  • Analytical
  • Very imaginative
  • Open-minded
  • Curious
  • Objective
  • Can appear disconnected, often lost in thought
  • May be insensitive
  • Prone to dissatisfaction and impatience
  • Perfectionism can lead to decision paralysis

Examples of careers

Logicians seek stable, reliable careers that challenge their creativity. Consider these options:

Commander / ENTJ

Leaders, imaginative with a strong character, who always find or create a way to achieve their goals. Very rational and driven by efficiency.

  • Efficient
  • Energetic
  • Self-confident
  • Strategic thinker
  • Charismatic and inspiring
  • Stubborn and dominant
  • Intolerant
  • Impatient
  • Arrogant
  • Poor emotional management
  • Cold and ruthless

Examples of career impact of the Commander profile

Jobs with responsibilities and where they can exercise their leadership fulfills them.

Innovator / ENTP

Astute, curious, highly rational thinkers, eager for intellectual challenges.

  • Well-informed
  • Quick thinkers
  • Original: able to formulate bold new ideas
  • Brainstormers
  • Charismatic
  • Energetic
  • The argumentative side: which can be annoying for personalities who like consensus
  • Insensitive
  • Intolerant
  • May have difficulty concentrating
  • Dislikes practical execution: have a loss of interest when creativity is no longer in the picture, which can be a problem when completing projects.

Examples of careers with impact from the Innovator profile

The most pleasant work environments are those that give them freedom. Very curious, full of ideas and rational, here are some jobs that correspond to them :


Lawyer / INFJ

Idealists, calm.

  • Creative, thinking outside the box
  • Perceptive: ability to understand people's true motivations and needs
  • Strong convictions and values
  • Passionate: search for meaning, need for big dreams
  • Altruistic
  • Sensitive to criticism
  • Reluctant to open up: this can create distance in their relationships
  • Perfectionist
  • Avoids the ordinary: which can make it difficult to achieve their dreams
  • Prone to exhaustion

Examples of careers with impact of the profile Lawyer

For these profiles, the best thing is to have a job that corresponds to their values and brings them independence. They like to direct their energy towards others.

Mediator / INFP

Idealists, dreamers, altruists, who wholeheartedly devote their energy to causes aligned with their convictions, aiming to make the world a better place.

  • Empathetic
  • Generous: likes to succeed at the expense of others
  • Open-minded
  • Creative and dreamy
  • Passionate
  • Idealist
  • Unrealistic
  • Isolated
  • Focused
  • Emotionally vulnerable
  • Dissatisfied
  • Self-critical

Examples of career impact of the Mediator profile

Stressful and competitive environments are not for them. They need a job that both challenges their creativity and helps others.

Protagonist / ENFJ

Charismatic and inspiring leaders who are able to fascinate their audience.

Protagonist profile strengths & weaknesses

  • Receptive to the opinions of others
  • Reliable
  • Passionate
  • Altruistic
  • Charismatic
  • Irrealistic
  • Idealist
  • Condescending
  • Intense
  • Too empathetic

Examples of impact careers from the Protagonist profile

Wherever they work, their main mission is to improve people's lives. They also enjoy a challenge.

Campaigner / ENFP 

Free spirits, enthusiastic, creative and sociable.

Strengths & weaknesses of the Inspirer profile

  • Curious
  • Perceptive: sensitive to the moods and feelings of others
  • Enthusiastic
  • Excellent communicator
  • Festive
  • In a good mood
  • Wants to please others: may compromise on things that matter to them.
  • Unfocused: discipline difficult to maintain over the long term
  • Disorganized
  • Overly accommodating
  • Restless
  • Overly optimistic: may lead them to make naive decisions

Exemples of impact careers in the Campaigner Profile


Logistician / ISTJ

Pragmatic, interested in facts and statistics.

Strengths & weaknesses of the Logistician profile

  • Dedicated
  • Honest and direct
  • Loyal
  • Calm
  • Concerned about order and rules
  • A jack of all trades: eager to learn
  • Stubborn
  • Insensitive: their honesty can hurt others
  • Always by the book: unstructured environments paralyze them
  • Judgmental: very attached to facts, can judge opinions
  • Blame themselves a lot

Examples of careers with an impact of the Logistician profile

Conservative, logisticians need stability and clear societal roles in an organization. Here are a few jobs that fit the bill:

Defender / ISFJ

Protective, dedicated, warm.

Strengths & weaknesses of the Defender profile

  • Support for others
  • Reliable
  • Observant
  • Enthusiastic
  • Hardworking
  • Too humble
  • Takes things personally
  • Suppresses feelings
  • Overcommitted
  • Reluctant to change
  • Too altruistic

Examples of career impact of the Defender profile

Altruistic, they are very committed to their work and generous with people. They can work in professions such as :

Director / ESTJ

Efficient at managing things and people. They also have strong convictions.

Strengths & weaknesses of the Director profile

  • Dedicated
  • Willing
  • Direct and honest
  • Loyal
  • Creates order and rules
  • Organizer
  • Inflexible and Stubborn
  • Uncomfortable with unconventional situations
  • Judgmental
  • Overly focused on social status: caught up in the expectations of others, they struggle to meet their needs
  • Difficulty relaxing
  • Difficulty expressing emotions

Examples of career impact of the Director profile

In the workplace, managers like stability and reliability. They can work for an organization for many years and are quite comfortable in a highly regulated environment. They are comfortable in the following jobs:

Sentinel / ESFJ

Caring, sociable and popular.

Sentinel profile strengths & weaknesses

  • Practicality
  • Sense of duty and responsibility
  • Loyal
  • Sensitive and warm
  • Good at connecting with others
  • Concerned about their social status: may limit their creativity and openness
  • Inflexible
  • Reluctant to innovate, improvise
  • Vulnerable to criticism
  • Too needy: need to hear and see appreciation

Examples of Sentinel profile impact careers

Often work best in environments with clear and predictable hierarchies and tasks. The corresponding jobs can be :

Virtuoso / ISTP

Experimenters, pragmatists.

  • Optimistic and energetic
  • Creative
  • Spontaneous and rational
  • Can prioritize
  • Very good in crisis situations
  • Relaxed
  • Stubborn
  • Insensitive
  • Private and reserved
  • Bored easily
  • Does not like commitment
  • Risky behaviour

Examples of Virtuoso profile impact careers

They are fascinated by the way things work and are great assets to organizations.

Adventurer / ISFP

Flexible and charming artists. Always willing to try new things.

  • Charming
  • Sensitive to others
  • Imaginative
  • Passionate
  • Curious
  • Artistic
  • Very independent
  • Unpredictable
  • Stressed
  • Too competitive
  • Fluctuating self-esteem

Examples of Adventurer profile impact careers

Creative freedom in work is very important to Adventurers, who like to do jobs like :

Contractor / ESTP

Astute, energetic and insightful people who love progress.

  • Bold
  • Rational and practical
  • Original
  • Perceptive: notice when things change and when they should change
  • Direct
  • Sociable
  • Insensitive
  • Impatient
  • Risk prone
  • Unstructured
  • May miss the big picture
  • Defiant

Examples of careers with an entrepreneurial impact

With their ability to take action and their strong social intelligence, here are the jobs that correspond to them:

Entertainer / ESFP

Spontaneous, energetic and enthusiastic.

  • Bold
  • Original
  • Aesthetic: creative in their words and actions
  • Practical
  • Observant
  • Socially excellent
  • Sensitive
  • Averse to conflict
  • Easily annoyed
  • Poor planner
  • Not focused

Examples of impact careers from the Entertainer profile

Other examples of personality tests

As a test of self-knowledge, there are also:


A test to know yourself and find your professional and personal balance thanks to the combination of 4 dimensions:

  • what you like to do
  • what you are good at
  • what the world needs
  • what you are paid to do

Your Ikigai is the common point(s) between the 4.

Process Com

Professional personality test that identifies 6 personality profiles and provides tools to facilitate exchanges between people in communication situations.


Character test that assumes that the most common personality traits can be listed under 5 dimensions:

  • Openness to experience
  • Awareness
  • Extraversion
  • Agreeableness
  • Neuroticism

O-C-E-A-N, to better memorize it.

Taking action

👉 Find a positive impact job