Where to get information for a professional retraining in the impact?
Following weariness, burnout or any other problem at work, your idea of ​​professional change is well established. You may even be planning to learn a new trade to give new impetus to your career... But then, where do you start to build your professional project? Where to find information for a professional retraining? jobs_that_makesense gives you the leads to follow!
Who can help me build my professional retraining project?
The first player in professional retraining is you
You know that your current job no longer suits you. It's a starting point, but for the rest it's only you who can know which way would suit you the most.
We therefore advise people who want to completely change their professional field, sector of activity or profession, to take stock of their future. For this, the most effective is to do an introspection. It is an essential work on oneself to better reflect on a professional life project in accordance with one's personal life and one's aspirations.
5 steps to build a professional project that makes sense
Consulting and training organizations
Of course, you will not be alone in this new professional adventure. There is indeed a fairly wide range of organizations and associations to support people who, like you, are looking to change direction to do another job.
Leaving your CDI can be scary, as well as reorienting yourself and finding a job in a universe that is still unknown. This is why meeting and working with retraining professionals is essential. As specialists in professional issues, they will be able to guide you on financing issues, the search for suitable retraining training, securing your professional project, etc.
People who have succeeded in their professional reorientation
In your entourage you may not know anyone who has tried to retrain or has succeeded in his retraining. That's no problem though! Indeed, thanks to the internet and the powers of social networks, it is possible to find feedback as diverse as it is varied.
Among the beautiful stories of reconverts that we can advise you there is the portrait of Kevin – "It's easier to get up in the morning for a good cause" ou the testimony of Sarah who tells how she found her professional calling.
Where to find information for a professional retraining?
There is no good time to change your professional life or retrain professionally. At 50, 40 or 35… the most important thing to start a retraining is to prepare well and not hesitate to get support throughout the process of changing profession.
Here are the organizations you can contact to change careers:
Pôle Emploi
As a national player in the labor market, Pôle Emploi advisers provide assistance to job seekers looking for a professional activity, but also to people in the process of retraining. They can thus guide you towards training and jobs that are recruiting. However, their approach is rather generalist.
Apec offers a very good retraining support service. The Association Pour l’Emploi des Cadres has specialists dedicated to career development topics. From the simple desire to evolve professionally within the same company or the same group to the desire to flourish through a 180° life change and learning a new profession. Apec will certainly be able to receive you to put your retraining plan in place.
Professional Development Consulting
The Professional Development Council or CEP intervenes to support all people with a professional retraining project. It is a free and personalized system to guide everyone in their change of professional orientation: retraining, business creation or business takeover...
Few people know it, but the National Education offers a continuing and public training network dedicated to adults. You may be able to find in their catalog a diploma or a quality certification adapted to your professional desires.
The Association for Professional Training of Adults is an organization that can be useful to you in the construction of your project. Especially if you need to take training to complete your CV before applying for your dream job. AFPA services are aimed at employees and job seekers. They allow you to obtain a professional title in the field of your choice.
Chamber of Trades and Crafts
The professions of the future are also the professions of craftsmanship and making. To make your passion your main activity or simply to choose a profession more connected to reality, you can find many general and technical training courses by contacting the Chamber of Trades and Crafts in your region.
Transitions Pro
Formerly known as Fongecif, the Transitions Pro association is established locally in each region of France and its mission is to support men and women in retraining, in particular those who enter the framework of resignation for retraining or those with a solid Professional Transition Project (formerly CIF).
Professional retraining in impact: find out from specialized actors
Jobs_that_makesense a committed player in impact retraining
Among the growing number of people tempted by professional retraining, more and more French people put forward the lack of meaning at work as their main argument. For them, considering a major professional change is THE solution to make themselves more useful on a daily basis, in missions that make sense.
When it comes to professional retraining in impact, jobs_that_makesense takes its role very seriously. The makesense association is mobilizing so that everyone can get involved through their work.
Whatever the cause that is close to your heart: sustainable development, environmental protection, solidarity... You have the possibility of creating a professional project in the impact from A to Z.
Step 1: Start with a skills assessment
Step 2: Discover and follow a training adapted to your change of orientation
Step 3: Immerse yourself in companies related to your project
Step 4: Check out our impact jobs and apply now!
Knowing where to find information for a professional retraining is a fundamental point in a project such as yours. As you have seen, different organizations can be there to help you with your professional change. Thanks to our various tips, we hope that you will finally be able to say "I have all the cards in hand to find my way".
For further
👉16 steps for your professional transition
👉 There is no age to start: make a professional retraining at 35, 40, 50
👉How to finance your professionnal retraining ?
👉I am an executive - what are the options for my retraining?
👉Which professional retraining without any diploma ?
Take action
👉 Find a purpose-driven job
👉 Training in the professions of ecological and social transition