How to ensure professional retraining without loss of salary?
Retraining professionally is good. Successful professional retraining without loss of salary is better! Yes, changing paths to allow ourselves a professional future more suited to our desires and needs is ideal. However, certain expenses and debts can limit our ambitions... With jobs_that_makesense, let's study together how to retrain without loss of salary?
The fear of loss of salary: the first obstacle to professional retraining
1001 reasons lead you to think about a possible retraining, because you no longer thrive in your current professional activity. You are not the only person in this case because 9 out of 10 French people would like to change jobs. However, only 28% of them actually took the plunge.
It must be said, embarking on a new professional life can be scary. Between the financial risk and the fear of failure, there are many obstacles that can delay or even put an end to your retraining project.
You must indeed be able to continue to pay your bills, maintain your family's lifestyle... This is why the financial question is crucial when you want to retrain. You need to know what level of salary would allow you to live decently while allowing you to regain your lost motivation.
Nothing forces you to make a total life change with a radical reorientation. There are many ways to ensure your professional retraining without loss of salary.
The objectives of your professional retraining
Why do you want to do a conversion? What are your reasons for considering embarking on a retraining process when you have a stable job that allows you to support yourself? These are typically the questions that your loved ones will ask you.
But then what does career success mean to you? If you want to change jobs or evolve professionally because you need to feel more useful on a daily basis. That you hope that a professional reorientation in the impact will allow you to flourish again in your missions and in your life. You are in the right place.
Working is often associated with the notion of "earning a living". Despite everything, you don't see remuneration as the number one criterion for your new career. You want a decent salary, but above all you want to find a vocation that allows you to fulfill yourself professionally.

Ensure salary maintenance during a professional retraining
Set aside upstream of the conversion project
You can secure your financial situation and cover your back by acting upstream of your retraining. During your reflection phase you can place some money on passbooks. This sum will thus be available in case of need. Especially if your retraining takes longer than expected or you have some costs to cover before finding a job in your new career path.
Maintain employee status until the key moment
Depending on your retraining project, you may be required to take training. Today there are many solutions for training in a new profession or a new sector of activity in parallel with your work.
Indeed, while keeping your CDI, you can take evening classes, distance learning. You can even take a few days off to train for a new job in a training center.
In this way, you prepare your professional transition project smoothly without any loss of salary.
Take advantage of vocational training aid
In 6 cases out of 10, the retraining phase includes time dedicated to vocational training. Thanks to your employment contract, you have been able to accumulate funding rights to train in the fields of your choice:
- The CPF (Personal Training Account) is a system allowing you to earn between €500 and €800 per year when you work full-time. Then use these funds to pay for a skills assessment or certifying training from the catalog of eligible training courses in order to pursue your professional project. The CPF has a basic ceiling of €5,000. It reaches €8,000 for low-skilled people.
- The professional transition CPF replaced the CIF (Individual Training Leave). It is an optimal solution for employees who wish to keep most of their salary when they follow a long training course. This also makes it possible to preserve his bonuses, his paid holidays and other advantages related to his seniority.
- The Pro-A device was developed to facilitate professional development through training. Thanks to work-study courses, the employee develops new skills and knowledge in class, then applies them in the company. All without loss of pay.

The question of salary after professional retraining in the impact
Develop your career by integrating an SSE structure
You can bring your desire for change to fruition without actually changing your job. Whatever your position, especially in the tertiary sector, it is possible to assert your professional background and your values ​​to leave your company and direct your job search towards a structure linked to the Social and Solidarity Economy (ESS).
Contrary to popular belief, it is not because we work in an association or an SSE company that our salary should be similar to volunteering. If you read the studies carried out by APEC, you will see with your own eyes that with equivalent skills, the salary gap between traditional companies and those of the SSE is only 10%.
Apply for a CSR position in a large company
You can carry out a retraining which will allow you to direct your missions in areas that are particularly close to your heart. Great companies need people with unwavering motivation to carry out environmental and sustainability strategies. Following a training in circular economy and CSR, you can apply for a job of this type! Check out the latest vacancies with jobs_that_makesense! We're talking about positions that pay really well!
Bringing change to your current company
You feel good in your business, but you need new challenges in line with your ecological and social concerns? Be the vector of change within your company by taking certifications or training! You will thus maintain your level of remuneration. Faced with your involvement and your increase in skills, your superiors will eventually be able to value your commitment by offering you a promotion or a salary increase.
Launch your own professional activity in the impact
Do you feel up to creating your own impact structure? It's a great way to put your ideals into action to make the world a better and more livable place for everyone. More than learning a new job, here you will have to manage all aspects of your business (accounting, finance, marketing, sales, etc.). It's a new professional adventure that will bring you the fulfillment you are looking for!
In addition, if you still have this fear at the financial level, there too there are adequate solutions. You can get support in your business creation thanks to the advice and assistance of regional organizations (CCI, regional council, departmental council, employment centre, etc.).
Considering a retraining or a change of profession does not always mean turning your life upside down and taking reckless risks. Today, by asking yourself the right questions and creating a retraining project in line with your values ​​and the needs of the job market, you can eliminate most of the risks and not put yourself in the red. And then as they say, "success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day after day" LRC.
For further
👉16 steps for your professional transition
👉 There is no age to start: make a professional retraining at 35, 40, 50
👉Make your resume for a professional retraining
👉How to finance your professionnal retraining ?
👉 Build a professional retraining project that makes sense
👉How to find professional retraining ideas?
Take action
👉 Find a purpose-driven job
👉 Training in the professions of ecological and social transition