Am I legitimate to work in the impact sector?
Hello ! I am Inès, the founder of Komunii. Before founding Komunii, at the age of 20, I had already created 2 companies that had nothing to do with the impact sector. Then as part of the resumption of my studies I traveled around the world to find how to have an impact in my work. Today with Komunii my goal is to prevent people like me from having to travel so many kilometers to find the job with meaning and impact that suits them.
Komunii it is a support structure for reorientation in the SSE and in the impact in general. We have 2 programs that last 3 months and are eligible for the CPF: a specialized SSE skills assessment and an impact business creation program.
The impostor syndrome at the heart of professional retraining in impact
When you want to reorient yourself in the impact sector, the 2 questions that often come up are:
- What do I have to bring to the impact sector?
- Do I have to do a training to be legitimate to work in the SSE?
The question of legitimacy comes up quite often because as in any retraining, we arrive in a sector that we do not know, that we do not control so we tend to feel helpless. The challenges we face in the impact sector are enormous, so know that we need all the brains and arms available to help us face them! From the moment you want to tackle a social and environmental problem, that you have important values for you, and that the problem you are tackling really interests you, you are welcome. e:D
A student, as much as an employee, or a retiree has its place because each of us has talents, knowledge, skills and experiences to share. Even the banker who worked 10 years for Rothschild will necessarily have financial skills to bring to the impact sector, which struggles more than the private sector to raise funds. Or even the local garbage collector because he will know his neighborhood and his city like the back of his hand. He will therefore have a field vision that no one else will have.
Now legitimacy is also a feeling of confidence that is acquired, and for that, you need experience, but above all self-confidence.
- On the experience side, as soon as you can, I advise you to volunteer for a few months. You will find lots of volunteer offers on the jobs_that_makesense website, but also on !
- In terms of self-confidence, the best thing is to get coached or accompanied, but in the meantime, I'm going to give you some exercises to take stock of your talents.
An exercise to take stock of your talents
I challenge you to list 20 skills you have and have used. Yes yes 20 skills…
Play the game, take a paper, a pen and write down these 20 skills.
I'll give you 5 to 10 minutes, and then come back to this article.

Its good ?
And yes, you saw it, the first 5 are always the easiest to find and the next 15 force us to really dig into ourselves, and that's where we discover our hidden talents 😎
Now ask yourself the questions:
👉 What do you like to do and what are you good at?
Note on your paper at least 2 experiences, and if others come to you, write them down without judging them, it will necessarily be useful to you 😉
👉 Do you think you can put these skills and experiences at the service of SSE or impact? The answer is necessarily YES 😄
If your answer is NO, contact me here so we can talk about it !
Now back to the second question:
Do I have to do a training to be legitimate to work in the SSE?
1️⃣ If you don't have a master's degree and your desire is to climb the ladder faster and obtain a higher diploma than yours, then yes go for it!
2️⃣ If you already have a master's degree, are over 30 years old, and want to do a diploma course that lasts a year or more because you need to get all the technical background around the sector that interests you like management, engineering, coaching, marketing, finance, etc. So yes indeed, doing a diploma course can be interesting, but I advise you to prioritize short courses of a few months.
On the technical background around the ecological transition, I advise you:
- Edeni
- Go and see learning programs on jobs_that_makesense
3️⃣ If you already have a master's degree, are over 30, and want to do a diploma course that lasts a year or more just to feel legitimate in the ESS: it's not recommended. You don't have to spend a year sitting behind a chair to feel legitimate. What you need is knowledge about the SSE and experience, and gaining confidence in your abilities, but not a diploma because you already have one!
And this is where Komunii can help you:
- we train in the codes of the ESS
- we help you to make this famous assessment of your talents
- we help you to define the orientation that corresponds to YOU
- we help you enhance your profile to increase your chances of getting interviews and succeeding them
👉 For more informations, it's HERE
So here you go, you now have all the keys to feel legitimate in the impact sector and choose THE training that suits you best ;)
For further
👉16 steps for your professional transition
👉 Tools for a better self-understanding : Ikigai, MBTI test
Take action
👉 Training in the professions of ecological and social transition