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Why did I bring Jobs_that_makesense to Southeast Asia?

Let's be candid – Jobs_that_makesense didn't simply spring from my imagination. It originated eight years ago as an initiative by a makesense volunteer in France named Aurélien. His initial goal was to assist makesense in promoting our job opportunities, aiming to attract more individuals to join our movement during our early years. 

Despite the platform's simplicity, it not only proved beneficial to us but also led to the organic adoption of Jobs_that_makesense by the French Impact ecosystem. This adoption occurred as a response to a lack of tools in the ecosystem at that time, prompting them to utilize our platform for publishing their job offers.

And that’s when we realized that our struggle was everybody’s struggle in France. 

Considering the pressing needs of the ecosystem and the growing number of individuals questioning their life's purpose looking for impact-driven job opportunities, Jean-Christophe Perrin, Head of Jobs that makesense France took it upon himself, 4 years ago, to develop new functionalities of the platform. He developed what Jobs_that_makesense is today, a space promoting all the incredible organizations that exist in France, offering amazing resources for impact newbies and facilitating access to job and training opportunities across the country. 

In 2023, in France, Jobs that makesense brought together 2 million users and 6,000 recruiters and enabled more than 350,000 connections . 

Now, you might be wondering, why the move to Southeast Asia?

Firstly, creating and providing access to green and socially-driven jobs is imperative for an inclusive and sustainable sustainability transition.

The transformation of the job market becomes pivotal for our economies. In Asia, Bridgspan estimates that sustainability-linked jobs may reach 30 million by 2030 – an incredible prospect. But how do we ensure these perspectives materialize in investments to create these jobs? How do we ensure people are qualified? And most importantly, how do we ensure these new opportunities benefit more than just the top of the pyramid?

That's where we come in – we are looking at accompanying the creation of these jobs by supporting the impact recruiters of the region and, more significantly, facilitating the creation of new workforces capable of rapid training in ecological and social vocations. For this we need to create innovative and inclusive recruitment practices that are adapted to the impact ecosystem and that are catered to candidates of all backgrounds, ensuring equal access to job openings.

Our objective by 2027 is straightforward – of all the individuals we support, at least 20% should be those without formal diplomas. Looking ahead to 2030, our aspiration is to have developed all the necessary functionalities… So whether you reside in a rural area on a small island in the Philippines or at the heart of the CBD in Singapore, Jobs_that_makesense Asia will provide you with an inclusive experience, enabling all of you to discover your dream job.

Reason number two: Despite the growing trend of green jobs in Southeast Asia, the impact ecosystem struggles to market itself effectively and attract talents on a massive scale. 

We're not trying to reinvent the wheel here; naturally, there are other job boards catering to various sectors like NGO-related, climate, green, and even pink jobs, and we're genuinely grateful for their existence! However, the primary gap we've identified in the region is crucial. 
Most of the solutions that exist today operate on a global scale, creating a significant challenge for individuals in the region. It’s very difficult to have a clear understanding of how things work locally: available positions, how the ecosystem is structured, who the key players are in a specific impact issue, the expected skills, crucial details such as salary and benefits, etc... 

With Jobs_that_makesense Asia, we aim to document and become a key job-related media of the impact ecosystem in the region. We want to ensure that anyone interested in working in this space has a clear idea of the incredible diversity of players and opportunities available. We want to give all the impact recruiters the visibility they require while respecting the limited financial resources they might be able to allocate to their recruitment needs. 

Reason number three: we must instigate a mass movement towards the green and social economy, transforming it from a marginalized industry into a key sector where every Southeast Asian family takes pride in seeing their members working. 

In the region, careers are a predominant concern, and we're not just talking about having a job; we're talking about defining a successful career. We've all experienced the societal pressure – "become an engineer," "become a lawyer," "become a banker." But what if you could be a banker for good, developing microfinance opportunities for low-income families? What if you could become the next engineer making solar panels the primary source of energy across Malaysia? 

Our objective with Jobs_that_makesense goes beyond merely matching people with jobs; we're here to create a cultural change – to make the impact industry so attractive that even your parents will encourage you to work for a green company, a non-profit organization, or a CSR department.

By achieving all these goals and creating a mass movement towards our beautiful impact ecosystem, collectively, we anticipate attracting ten times more investments into our organizations. This influx will accelerate the development of our products, programs, and, most importantly, create jobs that align with the personal purpose driving individuals in the region.

Our objective with Jobs_that_makesense goes beyond merely matching people with jobs; we're here to create a cultural change – to make the impact industry so attractive that even your parents will encourage you to work for a green company, a non-profit organization, or a CSR department.

So what can you expect from Jobs_that_makesense Asia? 

If you are a job seeker, 

We centralize and promote all the impact-related job opportunities in the region. Bear with us; during the initial year, the platform will be available only in English. However, rest assured, in the upcoming months, you can count on us to expand and develop it in all the national languages of the countries we serve.

In our resource library, we ensure that you have access to content documenting the key players in the region. Additionally, we provide valuable tips on how to apply successfully and ace a job interview. But that's not all – we strive to offer inspiration by sharing stories from individuals who have undergone experiences similar to yours.

Lastly, we are actively looking to listing all the training opportunities that exist. The reality is that numerous jobs are emerging, demanding a new set of skills. The encouraging news is that many universities, NGOs, and purpose-driven companies are already providing training to equip professionals with these essential skills. We are committed to ensuring that you can easily find the precise training program that aligns with your aspirations, helping you access your dream job.

If you are a recruiter, 

You can create your recruiter space to seamlessly manage all your job openings and directly handle applicants. Within your recruiter space, you'll have the ability to send emails, schedule interviews, and organize your selection process collaboratively with your colleagues. It's a centralized platform designed to streamline and enhance your recruitment experience.

Moreover, if you represent an educational institution or an organization providing courses on specific skills, you can actively promote your training programs directly on the platform. This way, individuals seeking opportunities in specific industries can easily apply and enroll in your training programs, fostering a direct connection between learners and valuable skill-building opportunities.

So there you have it – you're now acquainted with our aspirations for Jobs_that_makesense Asia.

Remember, Jobs_that_makesense Asia is not just about makesense; it's about all of us. If there are functionalities or services that still don't quite meet your needs, please don't hesitate to let us know. We are committed to continually developing and tailoring the platform to fulfil the specific requirements of the Asia impact sector.

With love,
