Recruiter Guide

Dive into the world of recruitment where finding the perfect talent aligns with making a real difference. Forget dusty resumes and transactional interviews – here, you'll unveil cutting-edge strategies to attract, engage, and hire candidates who share your passion for positive impact.

Building Bridges in a Hybrid Work or Learning Environment

How do you build employee loyalty in a hybrid environment? Perrine Lhote, from Hisse&Haut, gives us 5 tips!

MBTI - A tool for better understanding yourself in the workplace

3 tips for using the MBTI assessment tool in the workplace

Switching to a 4-day week - the example of Laurent de la Clergerie

Questioning the 4-day week? Here's the inspiring story of a manager who dared !

HR - Recruiters' guide to gen Z

How do you recruit Gen Z? Sociologist Elizabeth Soulié gives you her advice.

Introduction email for a new employee

In order to successfully integrate your new recruit, it is important to quickly introduce him/her to the terms and conditions of his/her new position. We give you examples of presentation mail.

How to do a successful onboarding?

You don't get many chances to make a good first impression. This adage is totally applicable to the integration of a new employee: onboarding is key!

How to amplify your employer brand?

Forget free meals, PTOs, and company outings – is that really all it takes to attract top talent? Read this now!

Recruit in a more inclusive way thanks to soft-skills

To limit recruitment bias, soft skills can be a good element to take into account. We summarize the training we did with Atelier 1 on the subject.