Job sheet

ESG analyst: job, assignments and salary

Roles and missions of the ESG Analyst

The roles and missions of an ESG Analyst involve compliance with the highest standards and leadership in sustainable development. The main roles and missions of an ESG Analyst include :

  • Taking the time to assess companies' ESG practices and their impact on society and the environment.
  • Analysing ESG indicators and their evolution to predict the impact they will have on companies' long-term performance.
  • Examine ESG risk and opportunities for the company and the sector.
  • Develop ESG strategies to meet business objectives and regulatory requirements.
  • Attend board and shareholder meetings to promote the interests of shareholders and the sector.
  • Provide governance advice and practices to management.
  • Oversee the development and monitoring of ESG initiatives and programmes.
  • Participate in ESG awareness and training initiatives.
  • Write reports and analyses of ESG performance that provide an understanding of ESG impacts and opportunities for the company.
  • Participate in forums and research initiatives on ESG issues.

In addition to these main roles and missions, an ESG Analyst may also be involved in decision-making on ESG issues, participating in meetings with stakeholders and preparing company annual reports. ESG Analysts must also be aware of international and national issues affecting the sector and companies. Finally, an ESG Analyst must be able to communicate ESG information and data clearly and concisely to shareholders and board members.

Salary and career development of ESG Analysts

Salaries for ESG Analysts vary widely and are generally determined by level of experience. Here is an overview of gross annual salary trends in France according to the number of years' experience:

  • 0 to 2 years: around €35,000.
  • 2 to 5 years: between €40,000 and €50,000.
  • 5 to 10 years: between €50,000 and €65,000.
  • 10 to 15 years: between €65,000 and €75,000.
  • More than 15 years: between €75,000 and €90,000.

ESG Analysts can also choose from a range of career development opportunities:

  • ESG Investment Manager
  • ESG Investment Adviser
  • ESG portfolio manager
  • ESG regulatory affairs manager
  • ESG consultant.

Advantages and disadvantages of ESG Analysts


The opportunity to positively influence companies' results and practices through ESG analysis and engagement.

A new career opportunity for those interested in the social and environmental economy.

Providing advice to business leaders on how to manage their social and environmental responsibilities.

A real chance to contribute to greater corporate involvement in social and environmental issues.

An opportunity to develop expertise on a range of social and environmental issues.


Significant pressure and responsibility for the welfare and interests of others.

Strong competition for jobs.

It is sometimes difficult to find reliable and up-to-date ESG data.

It can be difficult to convince companies to implement ESG practices.

Additional pressure when companies fail to meet ESG targets.

The latest ESG Analyst recruiter job offers