Job sheet

SRI analyst: job, assignments and salary

Roles and missions of the SRI Analyst

An SRI Analyst (Information Systems & Risk Analyst) is a professional responsible for managing and supervising information systems and the risks associated with them. They are responsible for ensuring the security of organizational information systems, the implementation and improvement of security processes and the management of risks related to information systems. The main roles and missions of an SRI Analyst are as follows:

  • Manage critical and complex information systems, including their design, implementation and administration.
  • Develop and implement security and access control policies and procedures to ensure information security.
  • Identify the threats to which information systems are exposed and implement strategies to deal with them.
  • Evaluate and update the risk management system and ensure compliance with applicable regulations and standards.
  • Identify and resolve data security and privacy issues.
  • Analyze existing security practices and suggest updates and improvements.
  • Develop and implement incident response and recovery plans.
  • Manage and monitor security testing activities.
  • Provide technical support to all users.
  • Write security risk and test reports.

An SRI Analyst must be able to adapt to changing environments and technologies, and be able to analyze and solve problems quickly. They must have in-depth knowledge of security procedures, risk management processes and information technology. As an analyst

SRI Analyst salary and career development

The salary of an SRI Analyst is a crucial element for the employer and the worker, and varies considerably depending on the years of experience. The annual gross salary for an SRI Analyst in France:

  • 0 to 2 years: between 25,000 and 35,000 euros
  • 2 to 5 years: between 35,000 and 45,000 euros
  • 5 to 10 years: between 45,000 and 55,000 euros
  • 10 to 15 years: between 55,000 and 65,000 euros
  • More than 15 years: between 65,000 and 75,000 euros

Regarding the career development prospects for an SRI Analyst, there are several possible positions. Here is a non-exhaustive list:

  • SRI consultant
  • SRI project manager
  • Head of SRI data
  • Expert in SRI information systems
  • SRI technology consultant

Advantages and disadvantages of working as an SRI analyst


Excellent career opportunities - SRI analysts are highly sought after in the business world, and there are many career opportunities for these professionals.

Interesting work - SRI analysts often have to solve complex problems, which makes their work very interesting and challenging.

Competitive pay - SRI analysts generally earn very well, making it a very lucrative profession.

Remote working available - SRI analysts can often work from home, allowing them to work at their own pace and to suit their own hours.

Excellent communication skills - SRI analysts need to be able to communicate effectively with others in order to understand and solve problems.


Long working hours - SRI analysts can be required to spend long hours solving complex problems.

Working under pressure - SRI analysts are often faced with strict deadlines to produce results, which can make the job very stressful.

Ongoing training - SRI analysts are often required to undergo ongoing training to keep up to date with new technologies and information systems.

Responsibility - SRI analysts are responsible for the systems that support the essential operations of companies, which exposes them to a great deal of responsibility.

Technical knowledge - SRI analysts need to have an in-depth knowledge of IT technologies and systems in order to be successful in their work.

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