Job sheet

Data engineer: profession, missions and salary

Roles and missions of the Data Engineer

The Data Engineer is a data professional who designs, develops and maintains enterprise information systems. Data Engineers provide data technology solutions to help companies collect, store, analyze and manage their data. The roles and missions of Data Engineers are very varied. Here are some of the main roles and missions of a Data Engineer:

  • Data collection and storage: Collect and store data from the appropriate sources. Data Engineers should be able to create and manage databases and data storage systems.
  • Data modeling: Model data to help organizations make data-driven decisions. Data Engineers should be able to create predictive models and algorithms to analyze data.
  • Data analysis and visualization: Create reports and visualizations to help organizations better understand and use their data. Data Engineers should be able to create interactive and engaging visualizations from data.
  • Application development: Develop applications and systems to help organizations exploit their data. Data Engineers should be able to create customized applications and artificial intelligence systems using data technologies such as Big Data and Machine Learning.
  • Process automation: Automate processes to improve the efficiency and accuracy of business processes. Data Engineers should be able to create automation processes to manage and analyze data.
  • Supervision: Oversee the smooth running of data systems and processes. Data Engineers should be able to monitor and maintain data systems and processes.
  • Data engineer salary and career development

Data engineer salary and career development

The salary of a Data Engineer in France varies considerably depending on many factors, including experience, qualifications and location. As a general rule, data engineer salaries increase with seniority. Here's a list of average annual gross salaries based on years of experience:

  • 0 to 2 years: between 40,000 and 55,000 euros.
  • 2 to 5 years: between 50,000 and 70,000 euros.
  • 5 to 10 years: between 70,000 and 90,000 euros.
  • 10 to 15 years: between 80,000 and 110,000 euros.
  • Over 15 years: between 110,000 and 150,000 euros.

A Data Engineer can choose from several career paths. Some examples include :

  • Big Data Architect.
  • IT Architect.
  • Artificial intelligence engineer.
  • Data analyst.
  • Data engineering researcher.

Data Engineers can also choose to continue their studies and specialize in a particular field, such as computer science, data processing, data modeling or data science. Once they have completed this training, they can find more specialized and better-paid jobs.

Advantages and disadvantages of working as a data engineer

  • High-level data development and analysis skills - You'll have the opportunity to acquire data development and analysis skills and use them in complex projects.
  • Lucrative remuneration - Data engineers generally earn very high salaries for their work.
  • Involvement with high-level data - You'll have the opportunity to interact with high-level data and be at the forefront of innovation in data management and analysis.
  • Teamwork - You'll have the opportunity to work as part of a team with others on complex and challenging projects.
  • Mobility - Data engineers benefit from greater mobility, as they can work in a variety of sectors and for a variety of purposes.
  • High level of responsibility - Data engineers are required to manage very high-level data and make important decisions based on this data.
  • Specialized technical skills - Data engineers must possess a number of very specific technical skills to be able to carry out their work.
  • Competitiveness - The data engineering profession is highly competitive, and engineers must constantly keep abreast of the latest technologies and data analysis methods.
  • Stress - Data engineers are often faced with stressful situations and tight deadlines.
  • Frequent changes in technology - Data engineers must constantly keep abreast of the latest technologies and methods to remain competitive.

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