Job sheet

Strategy consultant: profession, assignments and salary

Roles and missions of the Strategy Consultant

Strategy consultants are business professionals with extensive experience and specific expertise. Their mission is to help companies develop their strategies and manage their challenges more successfully. The main roles and missions of a strategy consultant are as follows:

  • Assessing and analysing the situation of companies and proposing recommendations to improve their performance.
  • Identify and analyse organisations' weaknesses, competitive environments and opportunities.
  • Develop strategies to improve the productivity and profitability of organisations.
  • Analyse the operational problems and challenges facing companies.
  • Help set short, medium and long-term objectives for businesses and develop action plans to achieve these objectives.
  • Providing advice and assistance to companies on decision-making processes and the implementation of their strategies.
  • Establishing cost and investment models for companies and analysing their financial performance.
  • Using analytical and technological tools to improve organisations' decision-making.
  • Working with business leaders and employees to achieve the organisation's strategic objectives.
  • Evaluate and improve management and leadership practices within organisations.

Strategy consultants play an essential role in the development and long-term maintenance of companies, providing advice and professional services in a wide range of areas and working closely with company managers and teams.

Salary and career development of a strategy consultant

A strategy consultant's salary is generally very attractive and depends on many factors, such as years of experience, location and level of responsibility. In France, a strategy consultant can expect a gross annual salary of between €35K and €70K, depending on their level of experience. Here is a list of the salary range by years of experience:

  • 0 to 2 years: €35K to €50K
  • 2 to 5 years: €50K to €60K
  • 5 to 10 years: €60K to €65K
  • 10 to 15 years: €65K to €70K
  • More than 15 years: €70K or more

In the business world, a strategy consultant has enormous versatility and can easily move into other professions. Here are 5 possible career prospects:

  • Operations Director ;
  • Project Director
  • Human Resources Director
  • Business Development Director;
  • Finance Director.

Advantages and disadvantages of Strategy Consultant


Opportunity to work with different types of company and become familiar with their different cultures.

Opportunity to work on a variety of subjects and benefit from ongoing training.

Opportunity to travel to reach customers and visit companies for projects.

Opportunity to earn a high salary and bonuses.

The opportunity to work with motivated and dynamic colleagues.


May require overtime.

May require frequent travel.

May be confronted with stressful situations and tensions with customers and colleagues.

May require a high level of responsibility and dedication.

May require advanced technical and analytical skills.

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