Job sheet

Logistics director: job description, duties and salary

Roles and responsibilities of the Logistics Director

A Logistics Manager is responsible for managing the supply chain and procurement and distribution activities. He/she ensures that products are available to customers at the right time and at reasonable cost. He/she is responsible for achieving customer service and satisfaction levels that contribute to the company's reputation and growth. The main duties and responsibilities of a Logistics Manager are as follows:

Manage and maintain the company's IT and technology systems to improve efficiency;

Planning and coordinating stock requirements and utilisation for the company's various activities;

Finding innovative solutions to improve efficiency and workflow;

Develop supply chain management strategies, based on supply and distribution;

Supervise inventory and storage operations to ensure that the right quantity is available;

Identify and recommend opportunities to improve and streamline supply chain processes;

Handle and resolve logistics-related problems;

Negotiate with suppliers to obtain competitive prices and on-time delivery;

Designing quality control systems to ensure that

Salary and career development of a logistics director

The salary of a logistics director varies greatly depending on the candidate's experience and skills. On average, a logistics director can expect a gross annual salary of between €45k and €85k. Here are the changes in gross annual salary in France per year of experience for a Logistics Director:

0 to 2 years: €45 to 55K

2 to 5 years: €55 to 65 K

5 to 10 years: €65k to €75k

10 to 15 years: €75 to 85 K

Over 15 years: €85K and more

There are many career prospects for a Logistics Director. Here are 5 possible career paths for a Logistics Director:

Logistics Director

Operations Director

Supply Chain Director

Inventory Management Director

Director of Distribution and Logistics.

Advantages and disadvantages of Logistics Manager


Excellent salary - logistics managers generally earn more than other professionals in similar positions.

Career opportunities - logistics managers can easily progress in their field and sometimes even take on positions of greater responsibility.

Flexibility - Logistics Managers can work in different sectors and countries and can easily adapt to different environments.

Good communication skills - Logistics Managers need to be able to communicate effectively with colleagues and customers.

Good problem-solving skills - Logistics Managers need to be able to manage the problems and challenges that arise in their work.


Stress - the work of logistics managers is often very stressful and can lead to burnout.

Overtime - Logistics Managers may be required to work long hours to ensure that projects are completed on time.

Responsibilities - Logistics Managers are responsible for managing and overseeing a number of logistics tasks and programmes.

Requirements - Logistics Managers must have a good understanding of logistics technologies and systems and be able to use them effectively.

Working alone - Logistics Managers can often find themselves working alone and making important decisions without the help of colleagues.

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