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How to explain a professional retraining?

You'd like to change jobs, but you are already worried about having to justify yourself to future recruiters? A little anti-stress article to give you all the tips to prepare your arguments!

Recruit in a more inclusive way thanks to soft-skills

To limit recruitment bias, soft skills can be a good element to take into account. We summarize the training we did with Atelier 1 on the subject.

Seeking IKIGAI

Have you always dreamed of getting paid to do what you love? But are you truly good at it, and is it what the world really needs? If you can answer yes to all three, congratulations! You've found your Ikigai. If not, this article is a must-read!

The MBTI personality test - Get to know yourself better to be yourself

Craving a quick dose of summer self-discovery? If you're feeling up personality quizzes, then this is for you! Dive into the fascinating world of the MBTI test, uncover your unique traits, and unlock your ideal career path!

Entrepreneurship in the territories: is it the right time?

The health crisis has given rise to many desires to reconnect with nature. To go beyond the fantasies of life in the countryside, Yannick Rasoava presents us with the issues of entrepreneurship in semi-rural areas and the challenges of these territories.

Guide for a purpose-driven career change

There is no magic recipe for a successful professional retraining, but there are tools to prepare it well! Noëmie Martin-Pascual, founder of Bloom'r and Ways to shift, presents 16 key stages in this journey.

[Testimonial] – SSE as a freelancer? It's possible !

Are you tempted by the social and solidarity economy but want to be independent? This is the career of Claire, freelance in digital marketing in the SSE. A testimony that will give you ideas!

10 (false) good excuses not to quit your job

You feel like you should leave, but you can't make up your mind... Yes, yes, we're talking about your work! Between the restaurant tickets and the famous voice of reason that tells you anything, we help you to take your courage in both hands.

10 (false) good excuses not to quit your job

Torn between the allure of that free meal and that nagging inner voice, you can't quite decide if it's time to move on from your job. Fear not! We're here to help you find the courage to make the leap.

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