Introduction email for a new employee
In order to successfully integrate your new recruit, it is important to quickly introduce him/her to the terms and conditions of his/her new position. We give you examples of presentation mail.

In order to successfully integrate your new recruit, it is important to quickly introduce him/her to the terms and conditions of his/her new position. We give you examples of presentation mail.
You don't get many chances to make a good first impression. This adage is totally applicable to the integration of a new employee: onboarding is key!
Do you want to get involved but not necessarily change clubs? Marine Faibis, founder of the Indigo school, gives us her advice on greening her work.
Want to help save our planet, but don't know where to start? We have prepared a (non-exhaustive) list of professional opportunities in the environmental sector
You're tired of metro-work-sleep, and you want to do something with your hands. So discover the craft trades related to the ecological and social transition!
Forget free meals, PTOs, and company outings – is that really all it takes to attract top talent? Read this now!
You don't necessarily need to be an engineer to help protect the planet (fortunately!). Discover 5 job ideas accessible with short studies.
You'd like to change jobs, but you are already worried about having to justify yourself to future recruiters? A little anti-stress article to give you all the tips to prepare your arguments!
To limit recruitment bias, soft skills can be a good element to take into account. We summarize the training we did with Atelier 1 on the subject.
Have you always dreamed of getting paid to do what you love? But are you truly good at it, and is it what the world really needs? If you can answer yes to all three, congratulations! You've found your Ikigai. If not, this article is a must-read!