Job sheet

Construction manager: profession, missions and salary

Roles and missions of the Construction Manager

The Construction Manager is a key position in construction projects. He is responsible for planning and managing all aspects of construction, ensuring that all goals and deadlines are met. The main responsibilities and missions of the Construction Manager are as follows: Manage the budget and schedule of the project: The Construction Manager must define and monitor the budget and schedule of the construction project. He must also monitor the progress of the project and ensure that the objectives are achieved on time. Organize and coordinate subcontractors: He must ensure that subcontractors are recruited and assign them tasks. He must also supervise them and ensure that they work efficiently and in accordance with quality and safety standards. Manage relations with customers and collaborators: The Construction Manager must be able to manage relations with customers and collaborators and must ensure that the project is progressing in accordance with customer expectations. Monitor and verify the work of subcontractors: He must ensure that subcontractors comply with quality and safety standards and take action if problems are detected. He must also regularly check the work of subcontractors to ensure that conditions and expectations are being met. Solve problems: The Construction Manager must be able to quickly and efficiently solve problems that arise during the construction project. He must find adequate solutions to ensure that the project is completed on time and under the desired conditions. These tasks are essential to ensure the success of a construction project.

Salary and career development of the Construction Manager

The salary of a Construction Manager depends mainly on his experience. In general, a construction manager can earn between 30,000 and 55,000 euros gross annually. However, this range can widen depending on his level of experience and the sector in which he practices. Changes in annual gross salary in France by years of experience for a Construction Manager:

0 to 2 years: between 30,000 and 45,000 euros

2 to 5 years: between 35,000 and 50,000 euros

5 to 10 years: between 40,000 and 55,000 euros

10 to 15 years: between 45,000 and 60,000 euros

More than 15 years: between 50,000 and 65,000 euros

In terms of career development, a Construction Manager can apply for jobs such as:

Building Director

Construction project manager


Purchasing and Supply Manager

Advantages and disadvantages of BTP Manager


A high salary – Construction managers can enjoy a very competitive salary for their responsibilities.

Advancement Opportunities – Construction managers will have the opportunity to move up the ranks, move to a higher level, and take on a leadership role.

Work with a Variety of People – Construction managers will have the opportunity to work with professionals from a variety of industries and backgrounds.

Continuing Education Opportunities – Construction managers will have the opportunity to access continuing education opportunities to keep their knowledge and skills current.

Interesting work – Construction managers will have the opportunity to work with a variety of projects and participate in many exciting challenges.


Great responsibility – Construction managers take responsibility for the projects they manage and are accountable if something goes wrong.

Stress – Construction managers are often faced with stressful situations and high demands.

No personal time – Construction managers often have to work long hours and can struggle to find the time to take vacations or enjoy personal life.

Physical work – Construction managers sometimes have to deal with harsh environmental conditions and physical work.

Risk exposure – Construction managers have to make important decisions and may be exposed to risks in the course of their work.

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