Job sheet

SEA manager: job, tasks and salary

Roles and tasks of the SEA Manager

The SEA (Search Engine Advertising) Manager plays a very important role in a company, as the person in charge of acquiring qualified paid traffic. They are responsible for developing and implementing paid advertising campaigns on search engines, using search engine optimisation and online advertising. They have a number of responsibilities and tasks to fulfil:

  • Developing search engine advertising strategies, focusing in particular on audience segmentation, targets and keywords to be targeted.
  • Create and manage SEA campaigns on the various search engines and advertising platforms.
  • Developing SEO strategies to improve the company's presence in search engine results.
  • Analysing the return on investment of campaigns and optimising their performance in line with the objectives and budgets set.
  • Drawing up reports and monitoring activity and performance for the company's management and clients.
  • Manage relations with internal teams and external suppliers to ensure that advertising campaigns are properly implemented.

The SEA Manager is therefore responsible for developing and executing paid advertising campaigns on search engines and advertising platforms, in order to achieve the company's objectives. They are responsible for being creative and finding new ways of promoting the company's products and services and improving the performance of advertising campaigns.

SEA Manager salary and career development

The salary of a SEA (Search Engine Advertising) Manager can vary according to experience and responsibilities. Salaries can be very attractive, making this a highly sought-after profession. Here's a list of gross annual salaries in France for each year of experience of a SEA Manager:

  • 0 to 2 years: between €40,000 and €50,000
  • 2 to 5 years: between €50,000 and €60,000
  • 5 to 10 years: between €60,000 and €75,000
  • 10 to 15 years: between €75,000 and €85,000
  • Over 15 years: between €85,000 and over €100,000

SEA Managers can also move into other professions. Here is a non-exhaustive list of 5 possible career paths:

  • Marketing strategy and action consultant
  • Digital project manager
  • Data marketing manager
  • Public relations manager
  • Marketing and data analysis engineer

Advantages and disadvantages of the job of SEA Manager

High wages and great job demand
A good opportunity to develop skills and knowledge
A great opportunity to work remotely
A chance to create innovative and creative campaigns
An opportunity to get involved in projects that can have a positive impact on businesses.

Great pressure to achieve set goals

Strong competition on search engines

Specific knowledge and skills needed for daily tasks

Constant updates and changes to manage

The need to develop relationships with demanding customers

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