Scope and Details of Assignment
- Comprehensively assess the skills and professions required in the development, delivery and maintenance of both Utility-scale and Rooftop Solar PV systems. This assessment should cover both white- and blue-collar work, and should comprehensively capture all the capabilities to deliver both utility-scale and rooftop Solar facilities.
- Estimate the number of jobs that 2GW of new solar power will create (including disaggregation by profession/job type), and provide information about the duration of these jobs, trends in recruiting labor and bottlenecks being experienced in comparable markets.
- Estimate the number of jobs that could be created through various levels of rooftop solar deployment (including disaggregation by profession/job type)
- Estimate where these jobs are likely to be located, with an emphasis on whether they are in urban or rural areas.
- Analyze the types, costs, flexibility and quality of existing training programs offered by technical institutes, universities, and private sector companies?
- Examine options to increase the share of women, disabled people and marginalized workers in the Solar Sector.
- Analyze whether existing occupations could be upskilled and reskilled to cater to the needs of the solar industry, and at what scale?
- Analyze whether new solar workforce training programs could assist workers in sectors with declining job markets, such as the garment sector? What declining sectors have skillsets that are transferable to the solar sector?
- Interview key Solar EPC contractors to understand internal training processes and capacities.
- Recommend focus areas for Cambodia to enhance its training and university courses to better meet the emerging opportunities from Solar PV installations.