Learning Support Teacher Primary/ Special Education Teacher (Primary School) - Singapore

Part time
Localisation Singapore, Singapore
No remote
Posted on 07-05-2024

German European School Singapore

GESS is an international not-for-profit school that believes in developing confident, forward-looking students by celebrating our values respect, openness and diversity.

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  • Between 50 and 250 employees
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German European School Singapore (GESS) is a world class, not for profit International School in Singapore that offers both the German Curriculum stream and the IB Curriculum stream.

Currently, more than 1850 students are learning at our international school supported by more than 400 full time and part time academic and administrative staff members.

Start Date: August 2024 onwards, part time

We are looking for two part time special needs teacher with preferred second state examination or equivalent qualification for our Primary School (German Section).

Wir suchen zwei voll ausgebildete Sonderpädagoginnen/Sonderpädagogen vorzugsweise mit zweitem Staatsexamen oder gleichwertiger Qualifikation für unsere Grundschule im deutschen Zweig.

Tasks / Aufgaben

  • Identification and monitoring of students with learning difficulties via standardised screenings and tests (e.g. German language, reading, spelling, writing, mathematics)
  • German language support (German as Foreign Language, German as Second Language)
  • Learning Support Literacy and Numeracy in German Language
  • General learning support (e.g. attention training, support of learning strategies) in German language
  • Documentation of learning support, e.g. writing of individual educational plans and individual development reports
  • Support of class and subject teachers in the implementation of personalised learning plans
  • Close, interdisciplinary collaboration within the learning support department team
  • Participating in school development processes
  • Erhebung des individuellen Förderbedarfs (Eingangs-, Verlaufsdiagnostik) mithilfe von standardisierten Testverfahren sowie im Rahmen des allgemeinen Screenings (deutsche Sprache, Lesen, Rechtschreiben, Mathematik)
  • Förderung der deutschen Sprache (DaZ, DaF)
  • Durchführung von Fördermaßnahmen bei Lese-Rechtschreibschwächen/Dyslexie, Rechenschwächen/Dyskalkulie, Aufmerksamkeits- und Konzentrationsschwächen/AD(H)S), allg. Lernschwierigkeiten
  • Dokumentation von Fördermaßnahmen, Verfassen von Berichten u.a.
  • Enge, interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit mit dem Team des Förder- und Beratungszentrums (FBZ)
  • Mitwirkung bei der konzeptionellen Schul- und Unterrichtsentwicklung

Requirements / Anforderungen

  • Preferred fully qualified learning support teacher with second state examination or equivalent qualification
  • Fun and resilient personality with pleasure in teaching and educating of young learners
  • Fluent spoken and written German, as you will need to support German speaking students that are attending our German speaking classes  
  • Vorzugsweise abgeschlossene Ausbildung als Förderlehrerin / Beratungslehrerin / Sonderschulpädagoge / Heilpädagoge mit einschlägiger Berufspraxis in der Grundschule
  • Humorvolle und belastbare Persönlichkeit mit Freude am Unterrichten und Erziehen junger Menschen
  • Fliessend Deutschkenntnisse - schriftlich und mündlich für die Unterstützung deutscher Schüler

Keen to collaborate and share your specialist expertise, you will be a fitting ambassador for the school. You will communicate with confidence across diverse audiences and situations, using your expertise to build strong relationships across the GESS community.


Our School

The German European School Singapore (GESS) is a multi-lingual, not-for-profit, German international school in Singapore with a distinct European flavour. As an accredited ‘Excellent German School Abroad’, the German Section of GESS offers all major German school leaving certificates.


Our European Section offers tuition in English for students from grade 1 - 12 across all three IB programmes (the PYP, the MYP and the IB Diploma Programme) as an authorised IB World School.


Children aged 2 years onwards can enroll in our Preschool where children are following the PYP programme in German-speaking, English-speaking or bilingual groups. In addition to an outstanding academic education, GESS strives to teach students community values such as respect, openness and diversity.


To Apply

We offer an exciting working environment in an international and cooperative team. Your application should include a letter of application and your complete resume. Please indicate your reasons for applying for the position. 


Our Selection Process

At GESS we adhere to fair employment practices that consist of hiring practices that are fair, merit-based and non-discriminatory.


We are committed to providing a world class, safe, happy environment in which children and young people are able to thrive and learn. We are committed to safeguarding and child protection as we promote the welfare of all our pupils irrespective of race, ability, religion, gender or culture.


All post holders are subject to appropriate vetting procedures including satisfactory reference and background checks and the offer of employment will be subject to the completion of these. In addition, the visa entry requirements for Singapore are subject to certain requirements being met. This includes but is not limited to, mandatory diphtheria and measles vaccination requirements for children attending school in Singapore will need to be in place prior to arriving in Singapore in order for the criteria for a child Dependent Pass to be met and the visa granted. Further information on this will be shared at interview stage if applicable.


Please note, that only shortlisted candidates will be notified. 

Safeguarding Commitment

GESS is committed to our responsibilities for promoting and safeguarding the welfare of all children and young people. We actively recruit candidates who share our commitment to safeguarding and, therefore, apply robust and comprehensive recruitment and selection procedures. We expect all appointed staff to adhere to and ensure compliance with the relevant GESS Safeguarding Policy and Procedures. If the job holder identifies any instance that a child may be harmed or are at risk of harm (physically or emotionally) in any environment, they must report any concerns to the School’s Designated Safeguarding Lead or a member of the Safeguarding Team.


CPE registration number: S72SS0010G Registration period: 22 June, 2023 – 21 June, 2029