- Support and build capacity and mechanisms for FPD to better engage and support cinnamon companies in implementing project activities;
- Support and build capacity and mechanisms for FPD to strengthen their efforts to build operational and managerial capacity for cinnamon cooperatives;
- Support FPD in strengthening the role and capacity of LCAA with a particular focus on identifying and prioritising LCCA tasks/mandate critical to project-related activities, including
- developing and implementing LCAA capacity, operational framework and annual plans;
- liaising with domestic and international associations for cooperation, building and promoting Lao Cai cinnamon brand in domestic and foreign markets,
- developing relevant support services to its membership such as information sharing, membership expansion, fund raising etc.
- Support FPD in identifying emerging project issues and opportunities in the cinnamon sector and project implementation and propose necessary approaches/activities to remedy
- Support GREAT project technical management including:
- managing the project. This includes to guide partner to develop and update annual workplan), prepare project progress reports
- providing technical inputs to technical documents to be developed under project; maintain work relationship with relevant provincial departments such as Lao Cai DARD, Farmers’ Association for advocacy work; manage the consultants that may be involved in project assignments to assure work quality;
- Other tasks as required.