Role Description
The Trail Manager is expected to lead all aspects of guest experience delivery and operations in the area assigned to her/him. The ideal candidate for the role would have a capability in handling ecotourism/geotourism - a hybrid of delivering nature-based experiences for learning of both park rangers and guests, and leading tourism operations in all its facets from front-end service excellence, back-end guest operations and baseline grounds and facilities maintenance.
- Spearhead daily trail and hiking operations within the park;
- Leading experience design and service excellence quality for guests ensuring a memorable and meaningful experience that creates strong advocates in our visitors for conservation
- Ensures efficiency in deployment of Park Rangers and Middle-Managers in guiding guests or maintenance work, as well as their development and growth through proper audits and programs;
- Supervising and monitoring team members as they perform their operating checklists for trail guiding, maintenance (facilities, trail, and landscaping), and service excellence delivery
- Together with the Learning & Development Officer & Human Resource Officer, leading and performing training, well-being and development initiatives for community members being integrated into the area assigned
- Other important tasks he or she may be assigned to by the Project Manager