You will excel and enjoy this position if you are ready to actively handle the following missions :
- oordinate Sephora Regional Sustainability strategy,
- romote the Regional Sustainability priorities and targets
- mplement the strategy in the different regional markets in cooperation with the local teams by Poviding support for change to turn sustainability into a competitive advantage, B
- inging your expertise to support the implementation of the sustainability strategy, S
- pporting local teams and the network of Sustainability Ambassadors in all our regional markets in their execution of country roadmaps to achieve the Group’s sustainability commitments.
- nsure that the sustainability projects and initiatives are aligned with the regional sustainable strategy.
- mplementing, coordinating, and monitoring various Global sustainability projects in different areas including sustainable packaging, waste, circular economy, climate, energy…
- reparing materials for the various sustainability committees
- dentifying, formalizing, and sharing sustainable best practices across our countries and operations
- upporting the countries where Sephora operates to implement the Regional Sustainability Strategy, and various projects
- upporting the sustainability reporting.
This position is based in Singapore. You will report to the Procurement Director for Sephora Southeast Asia & Oceania, who is also the Sustainability Lead and Ambassador for the region and will work closely with Sephora's Global Sustainability Team.