Job sheet

Farmer: profession, missions and salary

Roles and missions of the farmer

Farmers are key players in food production worldwide. They are professionals who develop, maintain and exploit agricultural land to grow food products, which can be purchased by the public. Farmers have a number of roles and responsibilities that help them keep their farms at the cutting edge of technology. Here are a few examples of their key tasks:

Crop planning and preparation: Farmers plan their crops, build drainage systems and study the soil and weather to ensure that their crops benefit from a healthy environment conducive to growth.

Growing and harvesting crops: Farmers gather and harvest their crops, cleaning and sorting them before packing them for distribution.

Care and maintenance of crops and land: Farmers take care of their crops and the land around them, regularly inspecting plants for pests and taking steps to manage weeds and diseases.

Administrative work: Farmers must manage their finances and business activities, keeping up-to-date records and preparing reports for customers and suppliers.

Communication and business development: Farmers need to promote their products and respond to customer requests, which often involves attending trade fairs and agricultural shows to promote their products.

Relationships with other farmers: Farmers must establish and maintain relationships with other farmers to share knowledge and information, and exchange ideas and experiences.

Farmer's salary and career development

A Farmer brings together a wide range of skills and is generally responsible for sustainable agricultural production and management systems. In France, the average gross annual salary for a farmer is 24,000 euros. Salary depends mainly on experience and qualifications, and can vary considerably. Here are some average estimates of gross annual salary according to experience:

0 to 2 years: 15,000 euros

2 to 5 years: 20,000 euros

5 to 10 years: 25,000 euros

10 to 15 years: 30,000 euros

More than 15 years: 35,000 euros

Farmers can also choose to change careers and work in a related field. Here are possible career paths:

Farm manager

Agricultural animator

Advantages and disadvantages of farmer


Work outdoors and be in direct contact with nature

Be part of an important sector of the economy

Learn new farming skills and techniques

Produce fresh, healthy food

An opportunity for entrepreneurship and personal development


Working long and unusual hours

Exposure to adverse weather and climatic conditions

Dependence on weather conditions and market prices

High risk of illness and injury

Need to work on heavy and dangerous machinery and vehicles

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