Job sheet

Environment and energy manager: job, missions and salary

Roles and missions of the Environment and Energy Manager

The Environment and Energy Manager is responsible for promoting and maintaining environmental responsibility and sustainable development within an organization. He/she is responsible for energy efficiency programs and environmental initiatives, which involves implementing, developing and monitoring environmental protection plans. He or she is also responsible for implementing and monitoring the environmental and energy issues involved in a company. The main roles and missions of the Environmental and Energy Manager include:

Developing plans and strategies to improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions in the company's operations;

Ensure that the organization complies with environmental laws and regulations;

Manage environmental audits and investigate breaches of legislation;

Manage internal environmental programs, including recycling, waste management and chemical use;

Oversee facilities and technologies designed to reduce environmental impact;

Develop and implement employee training plans on environmental and energy practices;

Manage the implementation of energy and environmental initiatives using innovative technologies and methods;

Develop and coordinate environmental awareness programs for all employees and company partners;

Provide environmental and energy reports to management;

Analyze and resolve environmental and energy problems;

Participate in environmental protection programs and sustainable development initiatives.

Salary and career development of the Environment and Energy Manager

An Environment and Energy Manager's salary depends on his or her level of experience. In fact, the greater the experience, the higher the salary. For a gross annual salary in France, here are the possible career paths for an Environment and Energy Manager, depending on years of experience:

0 to 2 years: between €33,000 and €42,000

2 to 5 years: between €40,000 and €55,000

5 to 10 years: between €50,000 and €70,000

10 to 15 years: between €60,000 and €90,000

Over 15 years: between 80000€ and 110000€.

In addition, an Environment and Energy Manager can move into a number of different professions, such as:Environmental policy studies officer;Sustainable development engineer;Energy efficiency consultant;Sustainable development strategy consultant;Environmental project manager.Finally, an Environment and Energy Manager can also move into more managerial positions, such as Environment and Energy Department Manager or CSR Manager.

Advantages and disadvantages of Environment and Energy Manager


A career with strong growth potential - the environment and energy sector is booming and offers many opportunities for professionals who want to progress rapidly.

A competitive salary - environmental and energy managers earn more than their industry counterparts because they have additional responsibilities and expertise.

An opportunity to work in a variety of fields - environmental and energy managers are responsible for the planning, operation and development of environmental and energy facilities and technologies.

An excellent opportunity to contribute to important environmental causes - environment and energy managers are at the heart of efforts to protect and improve the environment.

International career opportunities - environmental and energy managers can work in countries all over the world, and enjoy unique and rewarding opportunities.


Long working hours - environmental and energy managers often have to work overtime to deal with the environmental issues they face.

Great responsibility - environmental and energy managers bear a great deal of responsibility for the decisions they make and the results they achieve.

Challenging working conditions - environmental and energy managers may face difficult working conditions, including extreme temperatures, hostile environments and heavy, dangerous equipment.

Constant pressure to keep up to date with the latest information and technologies - environment and energy managers must constantly update themselves with new information and technologies to ensure they are at the cutting edge.

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