Job sheet

skater: job, missions and salary

Roles and missions of the skater

Skaters are talented athletes who have earned their popularity. They specialize in the art and sport of figure skating and speed skating, and offer a variety of entertaining and impressive performances. Skaters perform a wide variety of roles and missions. Here's a list of their main responsibilities:

Practice and maintain specialized ice skating skills.

Perform figure skating and speed skating acts at competitions, shows and events.

Develop and maintain the technical and artistic skills required to perform skating acts.

Develop new routines for skating numbers.

Rehearse and practice skating routines.

Keep abreast of updates and changes in the rules and format of competitions and shows.

Keep body fit and strong for performances and workouts.

Use programs and video games to become familiar with skating and its routines.

Establish and maintain relationships with other skaters, coaches and skating professionals.

Participate and maintain a good presence and attitude at competitions and shows.

Skaters must maintain their skills and performances at a high level in order to maintain their level of popularity. Skaters standing behind successful skaters are considered exceptional athletes, and their careers are often in high demand.

Skater's salary and career development

A skater's salary can vary depending on many factors, such as experience, talent level, type of competition and local market. However, most skaters earn a gross annual salary in France based on their years of experience:

0 to 2 years: between 15,000 and 18,000 euros

2 to 5 years: between 18,000 and 22,000 euros

5 to 10 years: between 22,000 and 25,000 euros

10 to 15 years: between 25,000 and 27,000 euros

Over 15 years: between 27,000 and 30,000 euros

Skaters are often required to evolve in their careers. Their skating skills and passion for the sport can open doors to many different professions. Here are five possible career paths for skaters:

Skating coach

Skating choreographer

Sports agent

Sports events presenter

Artistic director or choreographer

Advantages and disadvantages of being a skater


You can travel and compete around the world.

You can develop a wide variety of sporting and artistic skills.

You can meet and get to know people from all over the world.

You become part of a community of skaters with common goals.

You can develop your creativity and artistic expression.


It's a very physically demanding sport, and there can be frequent injuries.

You often have to train and spend a lot of time away from family and friends.

There can be pressure and high expectations from fans and family.

You must learn to manage finances effectively, as skating doesn't generate much income.

There's a lot of pressure to perform, and you'll have to deal with criticism and sniping.

The latest job offers for skater recruiters