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Organic farmer: profession, missions and salary

Roles and missions of the organic farmer

Organic farmers play an important role in providing the world's population with healthy, nutritious products. They produce fruit, vegetables and dairy products without the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or chemical fertilizers. Organic farmers have many roles and missions. Here are some of the main roles and missions of an organic farmer:

Develop and implement strategies for growing organic crops with low environmental impact and sustainability.

Plan the annual crop production calendar, based on climatic conditions.

Monitor and control crop diseases and pests.

Select and maintain plant varieties suitable for organic production.

Use sustainable cultivation methods, such as crop rotation and cover cropping.

Use alternative methods to control weeds and pests.

Develop composting and organic fertilization methods to maintain soil fertility.

Develop integrated pest and disease management systems.

Use water-efficient irrigation practices.

Develop sustainable, low-impact production systems for animals.

Train and advise other farmers on organic production methods.

Organic farmers play an essential role in food security and environmental sustainability. By working together, we can strengthen their roles and missions to ensure that all humans on Earth have healthy, nutritious food.

Salary and career development of organic farmers

Organic farmers are a group of professionals dedicated to sustainable agricultural production that respects the environment and natural resources. They are both farmers and entrepreneurs, dedicated to producing high-quality organic products. The salary of an organic farmer varies according to a number of factors, such as professional experience, type of farm, geographical location and number of crops produced. Generally speaking, the average gross annual salary of an organic farmer in France is around €24,800. Here are some trends in gross annual salary according to an organic farmer's professional experience:

0 to 2 years: approx. €23,000

2 to 5 years: approx. €24,400

5 to 10 years: approx. €25,600

10 to 15 years: approx. €27,200

Over 15 years: approx. € 28,700

For organic farmers looking to develop their careers, here are a few possible occupations:

Agricultural technician

Crop manager

Agricultural marketing and communications specialist

Food quality and safety manager

Organic production manager

Advantages and disadvantages of becoming an organic farmer


A safe and healthy way to produce natural, wholesome food.

Reduces the use of harmful chemicals used by conventional agriculture.

Provides jobs for local farmers.

Produces more biodiversity and encourages wildlife.

Provides consumers with healthy, nutritious products.


Higher costs than conventional farming.

Difficulty in producing high yields due to cultivation methods.

Limitations to the use of genetically modified crops or other modern techniques.

Greater risks associated with bad weather and plant disease.

Greater demand for labor.

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