Job sheet

Natural spaces manager: job, missions and salary

Roles and missions of the Natural Areas Manager

Natural area managers are responsible for maintaining and developing natural habitats in their most natural state possible. They are responsible for the health of natural habitats and preserving biodiversity. The main tasks and responsibilities of the natural area manager include: 1) Carrying out research and studies to understand ecosystems and how species behave and interact in a natural environment. 2) Manage and preserve natural ecosystems and their habitats using effective restoration techniques and management procedures. 3) Maintain and improve water and air quality in natural habitats. 4) Use computer and scientific technologies to organize, monitor and document habitat conservation and management efforts. 5) Develop and implement conservation plans that take into account economic, environmental and social aspects. 6) Monitor and manage wild populations, particularly threatened and endangered species. 7) Participate in decision-making on natural habitat management with various stakeholders. 8) Raise public awareness of the conservation of natural habitats and the importance of preserving them. 9) Plan and coordinate research and habitat protection projects. 10) Develop policies for the conservation and protection of natural habitats. In short, the natural area manager is responsible for maintaining and developing natural habitats and biodiversity, and ensuring that ecosystems remain in as natural a state as possible. He/she carries out research and studies, manages natural habitats, maintains and improves air and water quality, develops policies for the conservation and protection of natural habitats and biodiversity, and ensures that ecosystems remain in their most natural state possible.

Salary and career development of the Natural Areas Manager

The salary of a Natural Areas Manager in France varies according to years of experience and company size. Salaries can range from €26,000 to €55,000 annually. Changes in gross annual salary in France per year of experience for a natural areas manager are as follows:

0 to 2 years: €26,000 to €30,000

2 to 5 years: €30,000 to €38,000

5 to 10 years: €38,000 to €48,000

10 to 15 years: €48,000 to €55,000

Over 15 years: €55,000 and more

Managers of natural areas wishing to follow a career path can aim for 5 different professions:

Director of national parks

Natural heritage manager

Protected areas specialist

Conservation area manager

Natural resource management specialist.

Advantages and disadvantages of Gestionnaire d'espaces naturels


Great personal satisfaction in helping to protect and preserve natural habitats.

Development of decision-making and teamwork skills.

Opportunity to travel and see new places.

Opportunities to meet interesting people and share information.

Good pay and job security.


Need to work occasional overtime and weekends.

Risk of injury or ill-health due to difficult and unfamiliar physical work.

Environmental risks, such as weather conditions, wildlife and animal-borne diseases.

Risk of damage caused by the use of heavy equipment and work tools.

Need to comply with the various regulations and codes of conduct in force.

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