Job sheet

nature animator: job, missions and salary

Roles and missions of a nature instructor

A nature organizer is a person in charge of leading and organizing nature-related activities, games and entertainment. Although their roles and missions vary according to circumstances and their employer, their main responsibilities include :

Identifying participants' needs and preferences, as well as their educational goals and objectives.

Planning activities based on participants' needs and preferences and educational objectives.

Lead and facilitate outdoor activities and nature-related games (hikes, treasure hunts, etc.).

Explain and demonstrate the methods and knowledge required to carry out activities.

Provide information on the environment and habitats.

Supervise participants and ensure their safety and well-being.

Perform administrative tasks related to the organization and management of activities.

Develop and maintain relationships with customers, suppliers and employees.

Create and provide information for participants, parents and sponsors.

Support and encourage participation and compliance with rules and procedures.

Attend meetings and training workshops.

Participate in research projects and studies to improve the preservation and management of natural resources.

Organize public awareness sessions and presentations.

Facilitate the development and responsible use of natural resources.

Maintain and update welfare and safety records.

The nature organizer's mission is to implement nature awareness and sustainable development programs, and to contribute to environmental education. It is therefore important that they are well-trained and have the necessary qualifications.

Salary and career development of nature animators

Salaries vary widely, depending on experience, location and employer. In general, gross annual salaries in France are as follows:

0 to 2 years: between €19,500 and €22,000

2 to 5 years: between €22,000 and €25,500

5 to 10 years: between €25,500 and €32,500

10 to 15 years: between €32,500 and €36,000

Over 15 years: between €36,000 and €43,000

Nature instructors can progress in a wide range of professions:

Riding instructor

Forest ranger

Tourist guide

Nature reserve manager

Marine biologist

Advantages and disadvantages of a nature organizer


Wide variety of work locations - you can travel around your country and abroad to explore different habitats and take part in different events.

Working with people of all ages and backgrounds - you can share your passion for animals and nature with diverse groups.

Great flexibility - you can generally plan your working time around your schedule.

Low investment - you don't need to invest in expensive training or specialized equipment to be able to do this job.

Rewarding work - you'll be helping to educate young people and adults about the environment, which can have a lasting positive impact.


Unpredictable working hours - although you can plan your working hours around your schedule, you need to be ready to adapt to last-minute changes.

Lower-than-average salary - the average salary for nature animators is relatively low compared to other professions.

Physically demanding work - you'll be responsible for the care of animals and facilities, which can be physically demanding.

Limited professional experience - it can be difficult to find a job as a nature animator with limited professional experience.

Potential hazards - you'll be exposed to a variety of dangers, such as animal bites, falls and extreme weather conditions.

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