Founded in 2008, better with water (previously Eau et Vie) is a French non-confessional and non-political international solidarity association, inspired by an idea: slum dwellers also deserve and can afford sustainable water supply in their homes. The main levers of action include providing access to clean water in households, mobilizing and supporting communities to build their capacity, organizing hygiene and clean environment awareness sessions in schools and public spaces and enhancing fire-fighting and emergency management capabilities.
In 2024, better with water works in 2 countries (Bangladesh and the Philippines) for a global budget of 3.3M€, with mixed financing (private and public).
In a context of end of mission, better with water is seeking for its new:
As head of the Head Office in the Philippines and under the supervision of the CEO based in the Headquarters in France, the Country Director coordinates and supervises activities of both BWW Social Enterprise and NGO - meaning impulse strategic development, support operational implementation, manages the local Executive Committee within the strategic framework given by the HQ, to guarantee their efficiency and sustainability. The two entities represent a total of almost 95 employees and represents an annual budget of 1,7 M€.
The main responsibilities are the following:
- Define Social Enterprise and NGO strategies and manage their implementation in the Philippines,
- Guarantee a good management of operations and their developments,
- Ensure that all necessary and possible means are made available to enable the performance and development of the teams,
- Ensure better with water’s representation in the country by leading the development of partnerships and communication,
- Implement financial management to ensure program sustainability,
- Manage the Philippines team (3 expatriates and 91 local employees),
- Ensure the implementation of a governance scheme adapted to better with water principles,
- Drive the better with water continuous improvement process locally.
The Country Director is a permanent member of the HQ Executive Committee. His/her mission is also to enhance the capacities of the local Management Committee.