Enumerator - Disaster Risk Financing (DRF) - Camalaniugan

Long-term contract
Localisation Camalaniugan, Philippines
No remote
Posted on 02-16-2024

Relief International Philippines

Relief International partners with communities impacted by conflict, climate change, and disaster to save lives, build greater resilience, and promote long-term health and wellbeing.

More information
  • Website
  • Unknown
  • Between 50 and 250 employees
  • Others
Impact study
Relief International Philippines did not yet communicate its impact measurement.
Labels and certifications
This structure did not communicate to us the labels or certifications that it was able to obtain.
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About RI: Relief International is a leading nonprofit organization working in 15 countries to relieve poverty, ensure well-being and advance dignity. We specialize in fragile settings, responding to natural disasters, humanitarian crises and chronic poverty.

Relief International combines humanitarian and development approaches to provide immediate services while laying the groundwork for long-term impact. Our signature approach — which we call the RI Way—emphasizes local participation, an integration of services, strategic partnerships and a focus on civic skills. In this way, we empower communities to find, design and implement the solutions that work best for them.

Relief International includes the four corporate members of the RI Alliance: RI-US, RI-UK, MRCA/RI-France and RI-Europe. Under our alliance agreement, we operate as a single, shared management structure. In addition, RI has country offices registered as affiliates of one of the alliance members in an additional 15 countries.

In the Philippines, RI has delivered a wide spectrum of humanitarian assistance and development programming including institutionalizing improved Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) services with local government, responding to natural disasters through food and NFI distribution, and building the capacity of local government to improve Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) preparedness.

Position Summary:

The enumerator will conduct interview and data-gathering for the pre-identification and selection of household recipients as preparatory activity for the Disaster Risk Finance Early Response.

Position Responsibilities and Duties:

  1. Attend the orientation on the use of template and guidelines in the conduct of the data gathering and selection.
  2. Performing day-to-day data collection activities using the template provided by RI and the Consortium.
  3. Get consent and take photos from the field.
  4. Ensure that data collection processes are in accordance with RI guidelines; and

RI Values:

We uphold the Humanitarian Principles: humanity, neutrality, impartiality, and operational independence.

We affirmatively engage the most vulnerable communities.

We value:

• Inclusiveness

• Transparency and Accountability

• Agility and Innovation

• Collaboration

• Sustainability
