Job sheet

Customer relationship manager / customer relationship manager: profession, missions and salary

Roles and missions of the customer relationship manager / customer relationship manager

A customer relationship manager's main mission is to ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty. He must therefore be attentive to the needs and expectations of customers and respond to their questions and requests. Here are the main responsibilities and missions of a customer relationship manager:

Ensure quality customer service: manage phone calls, emails, requests on social networks and provide clear and precise information;

Establish professional relationships with customers: warmly welcome customers and invite them to give their opinion on their products and services;

Carry out personalized follow-up of customers and offer them offers and promotions adapted to their needs;

Invest in resolving customer issues and complaints to improve their experience;

Manage and update customer and contact databases;

Participate in the design of marketing campaigns and promotional actions;

Participate in the improvement of customer service processes and collaborate with other teams for better customer service.

A customer relationship manager must be comfortable with communication and information technology. He must also show patience and good humor. He must be available to listen and understand the needs of customers and offer them appropriate solutions. Finally, he must be able to manage difficult situations and propose innovative solutions to the problems encountered.

Salary and career development of the Customer Relationship Manager / Customer Relationship Manager

The salary of a Customer Relationship Manager / Customer Relationship Manager is a very important subject, especially in terms of career development. Indeed, the gross annual salary of a Customer Relationship Manager / Customer Relationship Manager will largely depend on their professional experience. Here are the average annual gross salaries in France for a Customer relationship manager / customer relationship manager according to the number of years of experience:

0 to 2 years: €23,000

2 to 5 years: €28,000

5 to 10 years: €36,000

10 to 15 years: €41,000

Over 15 years: €44,000

As a Customer Relationship Manager / Customer Relationship Manager, there are many career opportunities available to you. Here are 5 possible professions in perspective of evolution:

Customer manager

Public Relations Manager

Marketing project manager

Head of customer relationship management

Advantages and Disadvantages of Customer Relationship Manager


Many opportunities for interaction and communication with customers.

A good understanding of customer needs and satisfaction.

A good knowledge of the products and services offered by the company.

Opportunities for networking and relationship building.

Attractive salary and opportunity for advancement.


Irregular hours and intense periods of work.

Stressful situations to manage.

Constant pressure to achieve sales and customer satisfaction goals.

A possibility of being exposed to complaints or criticism.

Training and continuous updating of the skills necessary for the position.

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