Business Development Lead - Indonesia

Long-term contract
Localisation Indonesia
No remote
1 yrs of exp.
Posted on 03-09-2024


Launched late last year, AgriAku's mission is empower mitra through sustainable, inclusive and profitable technology business models.

More information
  • Website
  • Unknown
  • Between 50 and 250 employees
  • Others
Impact study
AgriAku did not yet communicate its impact measurement.
Labels and certifications
This structure did not communicate to us the labels or certifications that it was able to obtain.
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Deskripsi Perusahaan

AgriAku is a leading technology-based local agribusiness company in Indonesia. Launched late last year, AgriAku's mission is empower mitra through sustainable, inclusive and profitable technology business models.

We are here to provide services for the needs of saprotan (sarana produksi pertanian) or agricultural production facilities that can be ordered through the application, anytime and anywhere with ease.

Uraian Pekerjaan

  • Melakukan visit dan akuisisi Seller (Mitra/Distributor Agriaku)
  • Follow up transaksi dan menjalin relasi yang baik dengan Seller
  • Orientasi terhadap pencapaian target
  • Handle tim Business Development
  • Melakukan report harian terkait visit & transaksi
  • Bersedia cover area : Tasikmalaya, Ciamis, Banjar dan Pangandaran


  • Pria/Wanita, usia max 35 th
  • Min. D3/S1 jurusan pertanian lebih diutamakan
  • Pengalaman min 1 tahun di Team Lead Sales / Supervisor
  • Pengalaman di Agribisnis lebih diutamakan
  • Memiliki kemampuan negosiasi yang baik
  • Memiliki kendaraan pribadi & handphone dengan RAM min. 4GB
  • Bersedia cover beberapa area kota/kabupaten
  • Bersedia kontrak dengan pihak ketiga (third party)
  • Dapat bergabung secepatnya

Informasi Tambahan

  • Hari Kerja Senin - Sabtu, Jam 08.00 - 17.00 WIB
  • Hybrid working

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