Performance Management Consultant - Mandaluyong

Localisation Mandaluyong, Philippines
No remote
Posted on 02-01-2024

The Asia Foundation

The Asia Foundation is a nonprofit international development organization committed to improving lives across a dynamic and developing Asia.

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  • Website
  • Unknown
  • Between 250 and 2000 employees
  • Others
Impact study
The Asia Foundation did not yet communicate its impact measurement.
Labels and certifications
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The Asia Foundation (TAF) is a nonprofit international development organization committed to improving lives and expanding opportunities across Asia and the Pacific. Informed by decades of experience and deep local expertise, our work across the region is focused on good governance, women’s empowerment and gender equality, inclusive economic growth, environment and climate action and regional and international relations.

Following our recent strategic planning and roll-out of the performance management framework, TAF is seeking the services of a consultant to review and update our existing performance management processes and templates/forms.

Objectives of the Consultancy

The consultancy is aimed at assessing The Asia Foundation’s Learning & Development framework and in particular the Performance Management System in support of the overall Strategic Architecture of the organization. This would include reviewing needs and update our existing performance management processes and templates. The consultant will further be required to guide TAF’s Human Resources Management staff members and the Leadership Team members with the implementation of the recommended processes and templates/forms.

Desired Minimum Characteristics of Envisaged Performance Management Processes and Templates

The envisaged Performance Management tools will be used in documenting, tracking and measuring staff members’ performance in a systematic manner. Secondly, it must serve as a tool for taking remedial interventions when necessary and serve as a guide in rewarding or sanctioning staff performance as appropriate. It should help the organization structure our L&D initiatives to address skills gap and build leadership skills – anything that TAF PH needs to develop our talent and drive productivity.

The specific characteristic of the performance management tools that this assignment must deliver on are:

  • Create a basis for several administrative decisions such as strategic planning, succession planning, promotions, rewards system, and a procedure for sanctions.
  • Ensure that the employees’ duties are linked to and contribute towards attainment of the mission, goals, and results of the organization.
  • Ensure that performance objectives are identified for each employee in order to provide a clear understanding – on the part of both employer and employee - of the quantity and quality of work expected.
  • Develop Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and establish a process for evaluating performance relative to expectations and agreed performance standards.
  • Develop a procedure for addressing incidences of employee performance that fall below expected or agreed standards in terms of quality, quantity, or frequency.
  • Provide a tool/template for documenting work planning and performance review to facilitate decision making; and
  • Establish and promote a two-way system of communication between the supervisors and the employees for setting performance targets, agreeing on performance standards, clarifying expectations about the roles and accountabilities, communicating the functional and organizational goals, providing a regular and transparent feedback for improving employee performance and continuous coaching.

Scope of Work

Working under the direct supervision of the HR Manager and the Deputy Country Representative, the consultant shall undertake specific tasks outlined below.

  • Review the Learning and Development Framework in support and aligned with strategic architecture of The Asia Foundation
  • Following agreement with the HR Manager and Deputy Country Representative, update and enhance the Performance Management System to include the following:
  • Overall TAF PH Performance Management Policy
  • TAF PH results-based Performance Management: processes and procedures
  • Update all necessary templates that includes forms for annual performance review, mid-year performance review, performance improvement / learning and development plan, etc.
  • Hold consultations on draft proposals, including presentations to management and HR staff for feedback.
  • Collaborate with and provide advice to HR in the development of a Performance Management Guidebook
  • Recommendations for implementation

Deliverables and Level of Effort (LOE)

Deliverables: Performance Management Policy and Procedures; Advice on the development of the performance management handbook

LOE: The assignment will be spread over a period of 20 LOE days within the period February to March 2024


Required Expertise

Eligible Consultants should have the following:

  • Master’s degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology , Human Resources or related field;
  • At least more than ten years’ demonstrated experience in Learning and Development and implementation of performance management systems
  • Demonstrated experience in organizational review and/or design.
  • Ability to manage assignments effectively –consistently ensuring timeliness and quality of work with minimum supervision.
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills.

To apply, click here.