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Training for impact
ActSEA contributes to an equitable and sustainable SEA by nurturing leaders who are empowered to effect change and amplify impact. Our path is driven by the needs of the communities we work with.
End Vietnam’s illegal wildlife trade Secure a better future for wildlife, both in Vietnam and globally
Bonsai Leadership aspires to help nonprofit organizations increase their positive impact on people, both inside and outside of their doors.
Teach For Malaysia is an independent, not-for-profit organisation that is mobilising a movement of leaders to end education inequity.
LUNI Singapore is a non-profit organization in Singapore that focuses on rehoming and caring for street cats since 2016. Our goal is to help at least 1300 cats every year to lead a better life.
This online instructor-led training will increase your knowledge on resilience and climate change adaptation and help you develop the skills required to put adaptation into practice at community level
Save the Children di Indonesia terdaftar dengan nama entitas Yayasan Save the Children Indonesia berdasarkan SK Kemenkumham No. AHU-0001042.AH.01.05 Tahun 2021.
Dreamlopments (DLP) Foundation is a non-profit mission-driven organization. implementing the Migrant Fund (M-FUND), a project of low-cost not-for-profit health access fund for migrants in Thailand.
Improving the provision of basic health services and mental health care for people affected by violence remains a key priority for Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in Thailand.
Human Rights and Development Foundation is an NGO working for migrant workers in Thailand to access justice and undergo judicial processes.
Our mission is to promote inclusivity, visibility, and advocacy for women's participation and leadership in the tech industry.
To build and serve a worldwide movement of local governments to achieve tangible improvements in global sustainability, with special focus on environmental conditions through cumulative local actions.
Encouraging the acceleration of Indonesia’s energy transition towards a just, clean, and low-carbon energy system.
From French vision to Filipino taps, E&V Water and Life weaves water access, hygiene education, and community resilience into a tapestry of inclusive urban life.