Job sheet

general services manager: job, missions and salary

Roles and missions of the general services manager

The general services manager is a highly versatile position requiring a wide range of skills. He or she is responsible for the management and organization of common areas and user services, and for ensuring the well-being and safety of those present in the space. Here are some of the main roles and missions of a general services manager:

Keeping premises clean: vacuuming and sweeping, changing garbage cans, cleaning floors and walls, etc.

Maintain equipment and machines: replace bulbs or filters, repair broken equipment, etc.

Manage general services staff: recruit, train and supervise maintenance personnel.

Manage inventory and supplies: order what the company needs, manage inventory, manage orders and deliveries...

Plan meetings and events: organize meetings, seminars, parties, etc.

Ensure the safety of premises and people: make sure that premises are safe and that safety standards are respected.

Manage common areas: handle reservations, requests and complaints from users.

Ensuring good service to users: responding to user requests, finding solutions to problems, managing complaints

Salary and career development of a general services manager

The salary of a general services manager is generally well-paid. Amounts vary according to experience and qualifications. In France, here's how much you can earn as a general services manager, depending on your years of experience:

0 to 2 years: between €25,000 and €35,000 gross per year

2 to 5 years: between €35,000 and €45,000 gross per year

5 to 10 years: between €45,000 and €55,000 gross per year

10 to 15 years: between €55,000 and €65,000 gross annually

Over 15 years: between €65,000 and €75,000 gross per annum

In addition to salary, general service managers can enjoy benefits in kind, bonuses and raises. As part of a long-term career, general services managers may consider moving up to head a larger department, general services director or general manager. Here are a few possible future careers:

Facilities and equipment manager

Security Operations Manager

Administrative services manager

Infrastructure support manager

Maintenance and logistics manager

Advantages and disadvantages of a general services manager


Opportunity to work with people from different departments and hierarchical levels.

Opportunity to apply technical and organizational skills.

Opportunity to improve departmental efficiency and productivity.

Opportunity to work on innovative and leading products and services.

Opportunity to develop interpersonal skills and lead a team.


Demanding job with high responsibilities.

Pressure to meet deadlines and objectives.

Conflict management among team members and with employees.

Responsibility and duty to assume the role of mentor and leader.

Need to listen to employees' problems and propose solutions.

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