Job sheet

lawyer: profession, missions and salary

The lawyer's role and missions

The role and missions of a lawyer are many and varied. They may work in law firms, companies or public or private institutions. Here are some of the main responsibilities of a lawyer:

Advising clients on legal issues. A lawyer can help clients understand their situation and take the appropriate steps to ensure their legal protection.

Drafting contracts and legal documents. Lawyers can draft contracts, deeds and legal documents for their clients.

Develop legal strategies. A lawyer can develop a legal strategy to protect and assert clients' rights.

Conduct legal research. Lawyers must conduct research to find out about new laws and regulations and their implications for their clients.

Represent clients in court. Lawyers may represent their clients in court to defend their legal interests.

Ensure that their clients comply with laws and regulations. Lawyers must ensure that their clients comply with laws and regulations, and that they do not violate the rights or interests of others.

Identify solutions to legal problems. Lawyers must find solutions to legal problems in order to help their clients achieve their objectives.

Salary and career development

A lawyer's salary is highly variable, and can depend on many factors (level of experience, structure and sector in which they work, etc.). Gross annual salaries for lawyers in France, depending on their years of experience, can vary as follows:

0 to 2 years: between 40,000 and 50,000 euros

2 to 5 years: between 50,000 and 65,000 euros

5 to 10 years: between 65,000 and 80,000 euros

10 to 15 years: between 80,000 and 95,000 euros

Over 15 years: over 95,000 euros

A lawyer can explore different professions and develop professionally. Here are 5 possible professions for a lawyer:


Corporate legal manager

Business lawyer

Legal advisor


Advantages and disadvantages of being a lawyer


High salaries and the chance to develop a highly lucrative career.

You can specialize in a particular field, such as business law, family law, civil law or criminal law.

Opportunity to rise to positions of high responsibility within organizations and companies.

Work with a varied and challenging client base.

You will actively contribute to the protection of civil rights and the implementation of the law.


Heavy workloads and long working hours.

Schedules can be very stressful, and the work can be messy and complicated.

University training and challenging exams are required to practice law.

Strict ethics and deontology must be observed.

Lawyers are subject to strict advertising regulations and restrictions.

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