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UNDP works in about 170 countries and territories, helping to eradicate poverty, reduce inequalities and exclusion, and build resilience so countries can sustain progress.
PSI has used marketing techniques to fill market gaps and motivate improved health behaviors including malaria TB, reproductive health HIV/AIDS, sanitation & hygiene, and non-communicable diseases
Gandang Kalikasan, Inc. is behind the brand Human Nature, currently the leading brand of genuinely natural cosmetics and personal/home care products in the country today.
People in Need offers humanitarian aid and human rights, it now also targets education and helps people living in social exclusion.
Providing STEPPING STONES from Poverty to OPPORTUNITY. Find, help & empower people in need We Make Connections That Enable People To Help Themselves and Each Other
Teach For Malaysia is an independent, not-for-profit organisation that is mobilising a movement of leaders to end education inequity.
UNICEF saves children’s lives, defends their rights, and helps them fulfill their potential. We never give up
We help millions overcome poverty, addiction, and spiritual and economic hardships by preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and meeting human needs in His name.
iDE is a global development organization that co-creates with foundations, governments, individuals, for-profits, and nonprofits to develop lasting solutions to poverty.
We are a tech farming company on a mission to transform farming, producing 100% clean & nutritious greens directly to your door.
This online instructor-led training will increase your knowledge on resilience and climate change adaptation and help you develop the skills required to put adaptation into practice at community level